What a shame!

Posted on January 24, 2013


In an email titled “What a shame!”, a filmmaker says:

I think we, as filmmakers, should all hang our heads in shame watching this unconstitutional activity of banning a certified film. What right does the state government have to ban a film simply based on some unsupported sentiments voiced by some vested interests. To presume a film is going to cause public damage is simply stating that these groups are ready to create the necessary ‘untoward’ violence at the cinema theatres. There are two problems here. One is targeting films and film stars as soft goal posts when you know these people have no way to fight back. The second is the kind of benefits that the state government and their political parties are leveraging this unwarranted demand for some of their tactical purposes. Everyone knows this and sadly very few have the authority to oppose this. Instead the cynical intelligentsia will dismiss it as a publicity stunt by the film stars to get more attention. Anyway, we the filmmakers, lose whatever little self respect that we have in such state! How and what do we do?

I’m not sure. All I have now is that “oh crap, after all that effort to get those tickets” feeling…

Posted in: Cinema: Tamil