Browsing All Posts published on »April, 2009«

Between Reviews: Monster of a Message

April 25, 2009


MONSTER OF A MESSAGE APR 26, 2009 – AMONG THE MANY ATTRACTIONS OF THE SHOT-IN-3D Monsters vs. Aliens (as opposed to being shot in 2D and projected in 3D) is the title. How could any self-respecting fan of creature features not be lured by the clash that that “vs.” promises, between two of the most […]

Part Of The Picture: The Worth of Words

April 24, 2009


THE WORTH OF WORDS APR 25, 2009 – HER FINGERS TIGHTLY CLASPED, her eyes scouring the surroundings, the enchantingly gamine Adele (Vanessa Paradis) occupies the corner of a table, her person partly reflected on its gleaming surface. A gentle voice from an unseen source prods, “Go on, Adele. Tell us.” Who is this “us?” We […]

Between Reviews: A Birthday and a Death

April 18, 2009


A BIRTHDAY AND A DEATH APR 19, 2009 – TWO FILMMAKERS SEPARATED BY a legion of considerations – ambition, temperament, acclaim, distance – were united, recently, by the simple incident of being in the news long past their prime. The first was Francis Ford Coppola, who turned 70 and subsequently found himself the subject of […]

Part Of The Picture: Old Love

April 18, 2009


OLD LOVE APR 18, 2009 – THE STORE OF MICHELE CURTI (CARLO ROMANO) is stocked with antique bric-a-brac, and he needs someone to function as delivery man, handyman and stock boy rolled into one, “someone who can open in the morning and close at night.” He admits he prefers an experienced hand, but as a […]

Between Reviews: Full Moon Rising

April 11, 2009


FULL MOON RISING APR 12, 2009 – IN AN OFFICE WHERE WALLS OF MUTED GREEN set off the glint of photographs and the glitter of trophies, K Balachander reminisces about his roots in theatre. If there’s a gentle hint of irony in this reflection – the mode of expression being employed is, after all, the […]

Part Of The Picture: The End of the Affair

April 10, 2009


THE END OF THE AFFAIR APR 11, 2009 – ON A BUSINESS TRIP TO TOKYO, NJ (Nien-Jen Wu) runs into a bit of unfinished business from his past – in the form of Sherry (Su-Yun Ko), his first-ever girlfriend, who’s now married to an American businessman because, 30 years ago, she was jilted by her […]

Review: 8×10 Tasveer

April 4, 2009


BOO MOVIE In Nagesh Kukunoor’s tedious supernatural thriller, there’s isn’t a ghost of a chance of genuine thrills. APR 5, 2009 – IF AKSHAY KUMAR WISHES TO DEFEND HIMSELF against the obscenity charges likely to be levelled at him, for unbuttoning his jeans at a recent fashion show, his counsel could do worse than to […]

Between Reviews: Scares and Scores

April 4, 2009


SCARES AND SCORES APR 5, 2009 – FEW GENRES IN FILM ARE AS INBRED AS HORROR, which is why even the most original of screenplays can reduce you to a geneticist clucking in disapproval while wading through a first-cousin gene pool. Other genres, too, have their ineluctable templates, their clutches of conventions to be adhered […]

Part Of The Picture: Hidden Motives, Hidden Meanings

April 3, 2009


HIDDEN MOTIVES, HIDDEN MEANINGS APR 4, 2009 – JUST WHO IS RECORDING THE APPARENTLY MUNDANE occurrences in the lives of Georges (Daniel Auteuil) and his family, the footage of which is delivered to their doorstep in the form of videocassettes, wrapped sometimes in anonymous plastic bags and at other times in stark white paper animated […]