Bitty Ruminations #29

Posted on November 11, 2010


NOV 11 – This link-heavy edition of Bitty Ruminations should, in all fairness, be titled Borrowed Reflections, or something along those lines, but then we cannot go about staking out every single phrase that acronyms to BR, can we? First, a plug for Yogasatsangha, the site created by my rock-star yoga instructor, DV Sridhar. Words cannot express how his calm ministrations sustain the body and soul.

PS: From one of the most admirably single-minded of bloggers — Suresh Kumar, who, in his indefatigability, is to background scores what Milliblog is to new albums — an interview with “composer, orchestrator and Conductor Matt Dunkle” that’s well worth your time.

PPS: Finally, from the creators of movie magic, pictures that annihilate the magic, in the manner of a conjurer revealing to his jaw-dropped audience how punily earthbound his effects really are. I have never been able to reconcile my desire for behind-the-scenes knowledge with the accompanying deflation of wow!