‘Daali’ Dhananjaya plays a very likeable and honest man in Param’s ‘Kotee’, which works more often than not

Posted on June 14, 2024


The film stars Dhananjaya, Ramesh Indira, and Moksha Kaushal. It takes too long to get to the crux, but there are many lovely scenes along the way.

Kotee (Dhananjaya) is a mover. He helps people shift homes, and when he is not doing this, he is a cab driver. In this job, he says, he is moving people instead of things. It’s a nice line, and Param’s film is filled with lines like these. Here’s another! Kotee is a good man. He is so good that he has not even taken the bar of soap from a hotel that everyone takes when they check out. Early on, he beats up someone for cheating, and the man asks Kotee to stop acting like a saint. Everyone is corrupt, the man says, and gets to the punch: “When everyone is naked, the one who is clothed should feel ashamed.” Kotee lives with his mother, brother, and sister, and he wants to raise their standard of living. The amount he sets as a target is one crore. But can someone as sincere as Kotee earn this amount, without cheating or killing or stealing?

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Posted in: Cinema: Kannada